Nesting is in full gear, you guys. I've had a list of about a thousand things that I need to finish before the babe makes his grand debut. It's been staring me down on our refrigerator door and last week something clicked and I just had to start on it! I have this feeling that he is coming early so I've felt a strong sense of urgency in making this house spic-n-span.
Last Monday I actually pulled everything out of my pantry cupboards, wiped them out, organized legumes, pastas, baking goods and other non-everyday items into storage boxes and put it all back into neat, little rows. Then I pulled all my spices out and threw away the expired ones, cleaned the lids and put them back into neat, little rows. Then I went through the silverware drawer, wiped it out and organized them into neat, little rows. Do you sense a theme? I even scrubbed the little crevasses behind the sink faucet with a toothbrush. I instigated a chore calendar that I've been keeping up with all week and I've made the beds every day. Woop woop! There's something so refreshing about nesting and I'm dreading the inescapable domestic disaster that comes with having a newborn. I know that in three weeks or so, it's going to be a mess again, but for now I'm thoroughly enjoying the sparkliness of my kitchen and climbing into smooth sheets at the end of the day. I should be able to make my bed every day, don't you think?
Making your bed daily is a good almost 5 months postpartum, maybe I should make it my goal too. :-) Your kitchen looks amazing! I had the feeling my little guy would be arriving early and he did.