November 5, 2013

seven years... no itch

Sunday was our 7th anniversary but we didn't do much to celebrate it since our trip to Colorado was our anniversary gift to each other. We did wish each other a "happy anniversary" and snuggled which is one of my favorite things. :) David's gift to me was a three hour nap - it was heavenly and just what I needed. It was so nice to take a nap uninterrupted while he played Legos with William and Fritz was taking his afternoon siesta.
Bornholm - May 2013
I'm not a big gift person. Don't get me wrong - I appreciate nice things and a thoughtful gift is very sweet, but what I really want from David is a card where he says super nice things to me (this post says a lot about my love languages - haha!). I loved that he got this card and a dark chocolate bar with sea salt (my favorite). It made me cry a little when I opened this card and saw the front and read the inside. It sounds silly but it feels really good to be with someone who knows you and compliments you so well.
inside said: "We may have different styles, but we'll always be a perfect pair"... plus some other private stuff.
David and I are really different. We don't have a lot of the same interests or hobbies, but we love each other and make each other happy. I dated guys in college who I thought were a "perfect match" for me because we could quote the same movies and liked the same music. They were artistic and musical. While those qualities are great, they weren't what I needed and dating those guys was too dramatic (since I was basically dating myself: 2 drama queens = trouble!) David is grounded and practical. He is patient with me when I blow things out of proportion and knows how to calm me when I can't get let go of something that is causing me a lot of stress. He helps me keep things in perspective and challenges me every day to try new things. He is a perfect match for me. I am so grateful that I chose him and he chose me. They say at seven years you start to feel the "itch" of declining happiness in a marriage. I'm happy to say that after seven years, the happiness just gets better and better...


  1. Congratulations, you guys are an incredibly sweet couple and I wish you many more years of happiness.

  2. How did David even find a card so perfect???? That needs to be framed. Congrats on 7 my peeps!!!!

  3. Congratulations! It made me smile when you wrote about having dated people in college you thought were perfect for you, but realizing after being with David that what you thought was perfect, and what actually is perfect are totally different. I can so relate! So happy for you two, and oh my goodness, how adorably perfect is that card?! Miss you guys!


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