January 30, 2012

these are a few of my favorite things

I heard about "favorite things" parties a while ago and had been wanting to throw one for over a year, but never got around to it. So, when my friend Stephanie organized a girl's night/favorite things party I was really excited! I offered to have it at my house, be it ever so humble and itty-bitty. It was a blast! I definitely want to do it again. I also loved having it at my house because it forces me to really clean and make my house presentable. A case so rare that I almost always take a picture because it excites me so much. How sad.
Not only is girl's night super important to me because I get to talk the ears off of my friends about girl stuff (my hairstylist friend even braided my hair - so it was a real girl's night!) but I also got three awesome gifts! If you've never heard of the concept of a "favorite things" party, here's how it works. Everyone who comes brings something that is their favorite things (in a set of 3, is how we did it which was really fun but you could just do one thing) spending a maximum of $5-6. "Things" ranged from favorite mascara to favorite candy to favorite household glue (anyone heard of Shoe Goo? My friend swears by it!) When people arrive at the party, they write their name on three separate pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. When it's time to start the gift giving, each person gets a chance to stand up and tell about their favorite thing. Then they draw three names out of the bowl and those three people get one of the gifts. Everyone gets to take home three presents. It's like Christmas!

I had a ton of ideas of things that were my favorite and couldn't pick one but ultimately decided it was appropriate for me to do something with food. So, I bought these little jars and made my favorite salad dressing along with a little card with the recipe on it. I thought it was pretty cute.
Of course, we also had a ton of delicious food. And so I made homemade oreos, obviously, because they're the best cookies on the planet. I do not want to share these when I make them but I definitely do because I would be a million pounds if I ate them all by myself . . . it's tempting though.
Have you ever had a "favorite things" party? What did you bring? I want ideas for the next time!


  1. I went to a favorite things party this fall and it was a blast! There were about 20 of us. I made angel food cake and we had so much food we ended up with separate sweet and savory tables. I took my favorite purple toenail polish (I'm addicted to painted toenails) and my favorite (at the moment) chocolate bar, Lindt Intense Orange. I learned so much about my friends and it was completely awesome.

  2. I have had one every Thanksgiving weekend for years. I had no idea it was a trend though! Cool! I have discovered several new favourite things because of them :)

  3. So much fun! - i love it, and your house, looks fabulous as always. i think i brought lame things, i was very pregnant so i think mine were all food too, though not homemade and cutely packaged. ;)

  4. It was so fun! Can't wait to do it again! BTW I was about to comment on how proud I was of your fish tail braid and I can't find the post?? I wish I would have kept your waterfall braid in that night but I kept getting distracted by all the fun convo's going on everywhere. Let’s have another braiding party. I'll give you some more tutorials if you make me some more of your yummy cookies :)

  5. I love this idea. Don't be surprised if you see a Favorite Things Party post on my blog soon. :)

  6. Sooooo much fun. Per usual :) I'm kicking myslelf for not eating more homemade Oreos. I showed Sean the pic and he was pretty much outraged that I didn't bring one home. I guess I'll have to attempt making them myself!! I can't wait for our next girls night!!! xoxoxo

  7. My sister told me about one of these that she went to a few months ago, and I thought it sounded so awesome I have been plotting to do it ever since! I guess it's not a novelty, really - that was the first time I had heard of it - but I think it's such a genius idea! So fun, personal, interesting, and not too fancy or expensive.

  8. Coming out of lurk land (love your recipes) to say I've been to a couple of these and they were really fun. They were at Christmas time, but I love the idea of doing it another time of year.

    When I went, one year I brought Method counter spray, and another year I brought timers from World Market (the ones shaped like strawberries, pears, lemons, etc.)

    Funnily enough, the best gift I got from one of those was a little package of different shaped drill bits. We use them all the time!!

  9. your house looks beautimus. jaimey said the party was a blast and your dressing is to die for!

    when i went to a fav things party last year, i took scented (bath)room spray from bath and body works - i live with lots of men. it is put to good use. i also took a big hooky thing that i use to hook my keys to my purse. very "dorky mom" looking but perfect for me, as i'm always losing my keys!

  10. You have completely inspired me with this post and now I'm throwing a favorite things party Wednesday next week. I'm so excited. My favorite thing will be cabochon flower earrings made by me.

  11. Just found your blog via Ashley's "I Love Unicorns." blog. Love it!

    Where are the red print pillows from on your sofa? Needing something like that for my living room.


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