November 15, 2011

it's a . . .

. . . nother boy!  
cute quilt from here.
and we're thrilled albeit surprised! Almost immediately after I found out I was pregnant I had this strong feeling like this baby was a girl. This pregnancy has been completely different than William's. I know that isn't a guarantee that it won't be the same gender but it just felt SO different. I also am carrying this baby differently and have had people stop me on the street and in stores and tell me they thought I was having a girl. This just solidified my feeling that I was carrying this one differently. I can honestly say though, that I'm super excited to be having another boy. When I think I will be getting another one of these, I can't wait until April!

On the way to the ultrasound I asked David what his prediction was. He said that he had been thinking girl this whole time but had been feeling like it was a boy for the last two days. I laughed and said that I had a similar feeling but that we must just be "covering our bases".

During the ultrasound I was so nervous. I couldn't see the screen and David and the tech had such serious expressions on their faces. All I cared was that the baby had all its parts and the heart was beating. Once that was out of the way (all clear), the tech started showing us the baby's features. She started at the face and then moved down to the feet. As soon as I saw the baby's feet I said, "Wow. Big feet just like my son's!" She agreed that the baby's feet were bigger than normal. When she moved the wand to have a look at his bits I wasn't surprised when she said boy. After I had seen those giant feet I knew it had to be another boy.

I'm still wrapping my head around it. Having a new baby around here seems so real now! That's what I love about finding out the gender before they're born. It gives the baby such a sense of identity. I strongly believe that gender is a God-given identity and it makes it so special to know that I'll be raising another sweet boy.


  1. Yes, very, very happy for you! Congratulations Liz!

  2. So exciting! We just had a 3/4D ultrasound done yesterday. It's our first child. :) Congrats!

  3. congrats Elizabeth how exciting two little brother friends!!!!! ~Donna from Canton, MA!

  4. Yay! My son wants a brother REALLY BAD, so now you've got that out of the way and don't have to worry about it. :)

    And now we have confirmed, for certain, that all those old wives' tales about what you're having based on the pregnancy, how you look, the shape of your nose, the phase of the moon...ALL CRAP.

  5. Yeah for you! I love having two boys together. Granted, I would love it if I had a boy and a girl first, but there is something so great about buying two super hero capes for Christmas instead of one.

  6. The same thing happened to me with my second. Everything was so different. I was sure it was a girl. I left the ultrasound feeling bewildered, but two boys in a row has been awesome. You're going to love it!

  7. Congratulations for your second boy!!!

  8. Elizabeth, how exciting!! I admit, I've been thinking you were having a girl, too, but it's a precious thought: William with a little brother. Aww. :) Congratulations! (And I love the quilt, by the way.)

  9. congratulations elizabeth. david. (and mostly william!)
    what fun! what fun!

  10. congrats congrats...another little man in the bryant home...what more could you want?! :-)

  11. YAY! We have 4 sweet boys. You are going to have sooo much fun! So happy for you!

  12. I'm so excited for you to have two boys! Yay! I wonder if he will have red hair like William or if you will be like Christian and Stephanie and have one with red, blonde, light and dark brown! Oh the possibilities! I can't wait for you guys! Congrats again!

  13. congratulations! :) so excited for you!

  14. isn't that just dandy?!


  15. Congratulations. I was shocked when I found out I was having another boy too. I really thought he was a girl. But it's so fun have having 2 boys, and I didn't have to buy any new outfits.

  16. Congratulations. My son's wife just had her sixth boy and wasn't disappointed at all. (They have two girls) This is my take on it. Heavenly Father trusts you to teach them that the priesthood they will hold will be used for good, all over the world maybe. Again, Congratulations.


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