November 4, 2008

nie recovery 5K (in virginia)

where do I begin? well, I suppose the beginning is a good place . . .

friday: I met my sister, helena, in d.c. (after getting massively lost in the murder capital of the nation) and then headed to the home of the gracious host and hostess of the 5k (david and carrie marriott) - they were getting their three delicious children ready for trick or treating but she sat us down to some fabulous chicken chili, local apple cider and pumpkin cookies. I was in heaven (especially since we hadn't eaten all day). after their kids had made the neighborhood rounds and sufficiently filled their bags with candy, we headed out to the marriott family farm in hume, virginia.
sorry about the awful focus (helena is a self-proclaimed "horrible photographer").

saturday: the next morning we woke up to the most beautiful day in history (probably). the weather was perfect and the fall leaves made helena and I "die" over and over again (we're a family of exaggerators). we headed over to the manor house (which is a bed and breakfast and supposedly haunted by the ghost of mary marshall - spooky). we started getting ready for the race (though I didn't help much - I just took pictures) and the nicest people started arriving. helena gave a wonderful speech about christian and stephanie. then, after a resounding gunshot, we were off on the race. I make it sound like we were booking it - but the truth is, helena and I walked briskly. it was much too pretty to run through the beautiful farm land (yeah, that's why).

after the race, we had a delicious breakfast of french toast, fruit, bacon, eggs . . . yum . . . and got our balloons ready for stephanie's famous balloon launch. I just love those balloon launches.

people started heading home and we felt encouraged by their generosity. then, david marriott started advertising jeep rides around the farm and I couldn't pass that up! we had a small mishap, but it was very fun (and just the right amount of dangerous).

that afternoon, we raced back to d.c. so that we could frantically get ready for dinner at cityzen. it was a prix fixe menu and I can't even tell you how amazing each course was. if you know me at all, you'll understand my extreme excitement about food. I so wish I could have taken pictures of each course but I have enough class to realize that doing so would have been inappropriate in such a swanky restaurant.

sunday: we went to church and then met up with the marriott family for brunch. it was very nice and they are such great people! I really admire the whole family and am so thankful that carrie put so much work into organizing this event. from there, helena and I sadly left for the airport. I was excited to see my honey but also very sad to be leaving "sweater weather" for "shorts weather".

in any case, it was a wonderful weekend and a huge thank you to the marriott's for their kindness, generosity and hospitality (no pun intended).


  1. Oh my, so happy that you got to enjoy such perfect and extremely beautiful fall weather...and what a mighty cute coat you are sporting!

    I SO miss your DI bag days...your giveaways was like shopping at Nordstroms for me!

  2. I'm "dying" at how beautiful those pictures are! I'm jealous! I hope that you had a great turn out for such a wonderful cause!

  3. You look great. What a beautiful trip and for a great cause.

  4. That looks like some beautiful bit o country. Now I think I must go visit my brother in Virginia- falls in Arizona are just so sub par. Sounds like a lot of fun. Is this the Marriott family of like Marriott hotels? Is there any other Marriott? Very cool regardless. Glad you had a good time.

  5. Lizzy, thanks so much for the pictures of VA! My daughter is currently living in Lexington. It is so beautiful back there!

  6. GORGEOUS! Like, far far away gorgeous. I can't wait to hear all the details.

  7. Sounds like a great weekend! Perhaps sometime soon you would be willing to 'dish' on the dishes at the no-photo-restaurant. I love the thought of chowing down (ahem, I mean Dining) on great food served in style. Or just SERVED is good sometimes. teehee
    I agree with you on the fall leaves and sweater weather...I live in central Florida and it too lacks seasonal luster. Unless you count perpetual heat and humidity a season. Glad your time was so lovely! (I'm jealous!)

  8. How beautiful (you & the scenery!) I'm glad that you had a good trip!

    What is your schedule like next week (for the chairs). Next week I can do Wed. evening/night...that is my only free night that week! How does that look for you?I feel bad you have and those chairs for 10 years - I will be happy to come get them if you need me to!

  9. Wow, those pictures belong on a post card! It looks like you had an amazing weekend with great weather, BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, and lots of great memories with the Marriott Family. I am so glad that you got to go! I hope you and your honey had a great anniversary! Can't wait to hear about it!

    Love ya,


  10. I really wanted to join you for this run! I was so sad that I couldn't make it. You'll be very happy to know that DC is no longer the Murder is scary, but not as scary as Baltimore :)

    I loved the beautiful pictures, this is one of my favorite seasons. I am so glad that you had such perfect weather!!

  11. I would've walked instead of run too- that looks like heaven on earth. Gorgeous!

    So glad you had a lovely weekend.


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