We actually had pretty weather for Easter, which was SOOOO nice to have after months and months of dreariness. Our neighborhood had a community Easter egg hunt, which was a hit. I love it because it's really casual and non-stressful and, while it's well attended, it's not chaotic. It was nearly impossible to get Fritz and Louisa to look at me for a picture though. This was me as they rummaged through their loot, "Candy!! I have candy! Look at Mommy! Fritz! Lulu! I have candy! Look at me!" Nada.
We also dyed some eggs using different teas (like Blueberry Rooibos, English Black, Green, Ginger Pear and Peppermint). I also used turmeric for one of them. It was fun and aromatic and I'm totally doing it again! Didn't they turn out so pretty?
Then, David hid the eggs in our backyard, which was kind of hard since we are in the middle of some serious overhaul in the backyard of tree trimmings disposal. It made for some creative hideout spots though!
And, I made a delicious dinner, of which I forgot to take a picture. However, here's the table. I will tell you, this year I used lacinato kale in my gratin and it was delicious!
I have a dozen or so pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits but I'll post them in a separate post. Here's a taster though. Heart eyes.
I want her tights!!