February 23, 2015

sunday driving

One of our favorite things to do as a family on Sunday afternoons, after church, is to take a nature drive and listen to beautiful music. This Sunday we did that and, even though it is still winter, it was beautiful. Summer drives are going to kill me dead! We ended up driving north and checking out all the beautiful scenery. We walked along the shore of the Puget Sound and threw rocks into the water, peeped through giant holes made in the drift wood and ate ginger snaps. I watched my family as we interacted with each other - the giggles between two brothers who imagined pirates were out on the water, the shy grin that Louisa would give David from my baby carrier, the kisses between David and me on the beach as I felt really attracted to him in that moment - I just felt really lucky. Then we listened to one of my favorite albums, Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone, on the car ride home and it felt like a beautiful day.


  1. Love that picture of you and David! You guys are one of my favorite couples in all the land. I wish we could just pop over and have dinner and conversation with you guys whenever we want!!!

    1. I WISH!!! We love you guys too and miss you like crazy!!!!

  2. What beauty! Can't wait to visit you all.

    1. We can't wait either, Mom! It's beautiful here. Miss you! XOXO

  3. I love that album too! Beautiful pictures, Liz.

    1. Isn't it the best? The music from The Mission gets me every time...


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