February 21, 2013

chaos + exhaustion

This moving business is for the birds, especially when you don't want to be leaving in the first place. My life is in complete upheaval. The kitchen has piles of dishes, the clean mixed with the dirty. The living room is covered in toys, boxes, breadcrumbs ground into the rug, scuff marks on the floor from cowboy boots and constantly has a blanket out for William's dog picnics. My boys have smeared booger faces, disheveled hair and have been watching too much TV and eating too many crackers. My daily goals involve feeding my children, showering, packing at least one box a day and trying really hard not to cry big tears into a pint of ice cream every night. At least my babies are cute and keep me smiling. I just have to keep reminding myself that "this too shall pass" and next week we'll be moving to Arizona and I will be able to get settled and get into a routine again. This mama needs structure! Sorry for the downer post but I need to get real here for a second.
might as well move his bed in here since this is where he lives these days.


  1. I rarely comment but just had to today! Last spring we left a wonderful lifestyle and community in Memphis to move to Oklahoma City, eight weeks after I gave birth to my second son (who is just days apart from your Frederick). It was such a difficult time...emotionally kicking and screaming against the change, trying to get through the days with two little ones while packing, post-partum hormones fueling it all. Just tough times. Nine months later, we're finding our groove but I still deeply miss Memphis and our life there. It's a slow process to make a new home. All that to say...you're not crazy...let the tears flow on occasion...welcome help from friends as you pack...and know that life will start to feel normal again eventually. God's plans for your family are always good, even when they hurt :)

  2. Hang in the Lizzy - I am so excited your moving back! It snowed last night if that makes you feel any better. Okay... maybe that doesn't, but hang in there. You're a great mom, even if the kiddos have boogers and your house is a mess. It's just boogers and a messy house. :)

  3. I've read your blog for a while but never commented. I felt weird since we don't know each other. Then I started following you on pinterest and instagram, and that seems even creepier, so maybe I should just start commenting! Firstly, hang in there!! Secondly, I'm wicked jealous. My husband joined the army 2 years ago and we moved from my beloved AZ to Georgia! I miss it terribly, and the family and friends, but visiting is so fun, and technology makes it so we barely miss a beat with what's going on out there. Now we are in SC and will be moving to FL in a few months. We have 2 girls and it is really hard on them sometimes, but when the times seem too tough, we just cuddle up together and laugh and are thankful we have each other; it just makes us that much closer. Your boys will be fine, just remember to take care of yourself. It's an adventure, and will be more bearable if you look at it as such. Moving has definitely put me out of my comfort zone, but that has been the only way in which I've truly grown as a person. You just have to endure the suck-y time and you will make a new routine and keep being awesome. :)
    (PS In AZ, we were in the same ward as Darin and Peter. Savvy was our go to babysitter...love that family!!)

  4. I've read your blog for a while but never commented. I felt weird since we don't know each other. Then I started following you on pinterest and instagram, and that seems even creepier, so maybe I should just start commenting! Firstly, hang in there!! Secondly, I'm wicked jealous. My husband joined the army 2 years ago and we moved from my beloved AZ to Georgia! I miss it terribly, and the family and friends, but visiting is so fun, and technology makes it so we barely miss a beat with what's going on out there. Now we are in SC and will be moving to FL in a few months. We have 2 girls and it is really hard on them sometimes, but when the times seem too tough, we just cuddle up together and laugh and are thankful we have each other; it just makes us that much closer. Your boys will be fine, just remember to take care of yourself. It's an adventure, and will be more bearable if you look at it as such. Moving has definitely put me out of my comfort zone, but that has been the only way in which I've truly grown as a person. You just have to endure the suck-y time and you will make a new routine and keep being awesome. :)
    (PS In AZ, we were in the same ward as Darin and Peter. Savvy was our go to babysitter...love that family!!)

  5. Oh how I wish I could be there to help you!!!!!

  6. I love your blog! You are so real and fabulous at the same time! I really feel for you with your move. Last time we moved I went kicking and screaming. I was ordering from our favorite local thai place for comfort every night the last week we were there. The owner actually commented on how frequent I was and asked if everything was okay! Even if you want the move, it is still so stressful with young kids. Eventually I made new friends in my ward, and feel in love with my community. One thing I learned was that it's okay to not be okay about something right away.

  7. Meanwhile your blog looks amazing! Love the face-lift.


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