October 28, 2009

dear magic 8 ball

will my baby come before Halloween?
will I get a chance to wear this costume I made to the hospital? it was so simple - just a black tee, some felt and a few minutes on the sewing machine. now I have something to wear to the hospital if he comes on saturday.
wouldn't that be a sweet halloween treat?


  1. Love this! I may have to copy you.

  2. the waiting makes it all
    the more sweet : ) enjoy
    this last bit of time alone
    with your man. write down
    what you are feeling. i truly
    believe that was the best
    thing i did in the last days
    before my son was born.

  3. oh my heavens...i love that! i may copy you.

  4. so funny. you are a doll. i can't wait to see your baby!! (i know you're thinking... "YOU CAN"T?!!)

  5. That's cute! I know someone who has a Halloween birthday and gets a little sick of having Halloween birthday parties. She's turning 16 this year and told her mom--no Halloween decorations or anything Halloweenish for her birthday. So if he doesn't come until Nov. 1 it might not be so bad. But then he's a boy, too, and he might really like the Halloweenish birthdays forever!!

  6. Lol that's cute! And I said it yesterday, he's going to be a halloween baby!

  7. I just found your blog and I'm in total love!

    It's so pretty! I can't wait to dig in and read up on old posts!

    That costume is amazing! I hope you get to wear it!!!

  8. Your costume is so cute! You are so creative. I love it!

    I keep checking to see if you have exciting news to share. I guess your little man will handle that decision himself.

  9. Very cute costume idea! I hope he comes on Halloween ! That would be so fun!

  10. Love the costume! I can't wait to hear what you guys decided to name him!

  11. you're so creative.

    love this.

    good luck with the baby! ;)

  12. oh my goodness, that's hysterical!!!

  13. Hey there Liz! Found your blog...this is mine! Such a cute layout you have! Thanks for the fun date night last night! We'll have to do it again after you know your feeling a little less pregnant! haha.

  14. Oh that is too cute! I think if you did a little jig that magic eight ball might say "chances are good"...at least I hope so cause I wanna see that cute baby of yours!

  15. I hope he comes on Halloween. That would be a fun birthday. Remember that every day they stay in your belly is great for them. Best of luck in your delivery. Congratulations on being a new mommy!

  16. So cute!! The costume's so clever--Halloween baby or not! We'll be crossing our fingers for you. Can't wait to hear the news.

  17. Liz, I hope you lack of posting equals the arrival of your baby. I KNOW how uncomfortable the ends gets. I'm wishing you well either way. Good luck and happy mothering!

  18. You look darling as ever Liz. Hope things are going well with your wee babe. Embrace every moment- they grow much too fast!

  19. such an adorable idea! you're too cute.


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