I know that Stephanie would want happy, beautiful things to surround her and Christian during this time and the happiest, most beautiful things in their lives are each other, their children and their faith. In addition to these lovely photos, I printed off a few quotes from Stephanie's blog that stood out to me as inspired relating to these current events. Some of my favorites include, "It is how we treat the experience that makes it so beautiful", "Deep in my heart, I know it is our divine make-up that gives us all that opportunity to be brave" and "Of course I wanted to quit and give up, but that's when the angels enter in and somehow the pain and suffering is all worth it".
Hundreds of you have been impacted by Stephanie and her positive, bright and determined vivaciousness for life. Her daily blog posts have influenced people from all walks of life, many different countries, diverse cultures and religions but the fact remains that Stephanie realizes that we are all children of God. She has such a powerful ability to change people's lives just by her example. If you would like to share a way that Stephanie has impacted your life for the better (even by through a simple blog post or picture), please do so that we can let her know of her happy influence on each of us.
What a pretty book. I've been reading your blog for a few months now. I was lucky to write a few letters back and forth with Stephanie. I have been so affected by her, both before the accident and after. She has been on my mind constantly, and she is so lucky to have you all there for her, especially in the weeks ahead. Hopefully the support of others helps buoy you up to give Nie the aid we wish we were there to give.
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are beautiful. Very nice job!
ReplyDeleteThis is so very lovely lizzy. Stephanie and Christian will cherish your efforts. What a wonderful way to show their beautiful life and help inspire all family that is patiently waiting in those hospital rooms.
ReplyDeleteLiz just wanted you to know your family is in Drew and I's thoughts and prayers. I think the book you are putting together is beautiful and a great way to help and inspire faith and hope. Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteI'm always impressed with the wonderful perspective that nienie has on life. That all things are beautiful and worth while. She most definitely must know that she is a daughter of her Heavenly Father to have such a hopeful attitude. We are praying for her, Christian and your family.
Laura and Devin
ReplyDeleteNew to your blog- but I frequent Nie's and CJane's.
I am sorry for the tragedy that has hit your family- I cannot imagine what you are going through. Stephanie and Christian and their family are in my prayers-it seems constantly.
I wanted to tell you that your idea is great- not to mention beautiful. And having inspirational quotes, thoughts, etc that Stephanie once found comfort in is genious.
My (short) tribute is on my blog. I picked some of my favorite pictures of her I've seen on her blog that show how beautiful she is. I hope she knows how wonderful we all think she is!
ReplyDeleteLiz, what a wonderful idea. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am. I feel like I know them better than I do because of Nie's blog. We are all praying for them. Hang in there - you're a wonderful sister.
ReplyDeleteLiz, I am so sorry that this happened to your brother and sister-in-law (I hate the in-law part, don't you? Sounds like jail lingo)...anyways, I just wanted you to know that we are thinking about your families. I want to donate but the pay pal link is not working. I have a dear friend who was electrocuted and received third degree burns on most of his body. The recovery was incredibly long and painful, but he did make it through it. How are her kids? How are you holding up? I really can't imagine...
ReplyDeleteLiz, I just want you to know that your family and Stephanie and Christian are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. That collage of pictures you made of them made me cry. Words cannot describe the sorrow I feel for them and your family. I have looked through her blog and am so impressed with her and the incredible mother and wife that she is. You can tell that they are both two incredible spirits! It's amazing to see what an impact they have made and continue to make on so many peoples lives. I will continue to pray for them and hope that your family is taken care of in this trying time. Please let me know if I can be of ANY help.
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Liz, I just wanted to write a quick note and let you know that our little family is praying for all of your family as well as Stephanies family. When I was in Lyn Rae Ward, I had the privilege of getting to know your parents well, and I love them. It breaks my heart to know that you are all having to go through this. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteSara (Goodman) Price
They really are an amazing couple and a great example of people who cherish each other and life. That was so sweet to put all those adorable pictures up. I'm sure that will serve as inspiration to them and all who are visiting.
ReplyDeleteexquisite. brought a flood of tears to my eyes...i'm having a hard time stopping them today and they're all for christian and steph (craziest part is I don't even know them in real life...just so touched by their examples and so sorry for their pain.)
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful. Being a fan of Stephanie's blog, it makes me so happy that she has such a wonderful support system who understands her and who is caring for her and Christian and the children.
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for your family. We have been devastated to hear of this news and pray that all goes well in the weeks/months ahead. We really hope that Nie and Christian continue to be uplifted by the efforts being made. You are wonderful for bein so helpful.
Liz, my mom just told me about your bro and sis in law. What else could go on with your family? You guys have been through a whole heap load. That is crazy. Give me a call or email. rudd_bryan@yahoo.com or 480- 603- 6364.
ReplyDeleteHope to hear from you soon.
Bryan Rudd
PS my wife knows I gave you my digits.
I love this! What a beautiful poster you've made. I love Nienie & Cjane (got to be one of Nie's famous Friday Faces, once!) and now your blog... very cute.
ReplyDeleteMany prayers are being lifted up for Nie and her/your family. You are all in our hearts/minds : )
LIz~ I'm not sure what to say other than I have been glued to my computer screen for a good portion of the day--flipping through old Nie Nie Dialogues (and as silly as it sounds) tearing up. I didn't even know her, and I barely knew Chris, but my heart breaks for them. It is quite obvious that they are an amazing couple that people look up to, and they will amaze everyone once again by getting through this. My prayers are with them and your family at this time.
ReplyDeleteChristian, Stephanie, their 4 adorable children, you and all the family are in my prayers!
Oh Liz, I am so sorry all this. I hope and pray more than anything for a miracle and for complete comfort for all your family. My heart is broken for you - there are just no words for things like this. Big hug, and big love to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Stephanie, but I am so inspired when I read about her, she is such a neat person. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for what happened to your brother and his wife Stephanie. My husband and I cant stop thinking of their little family. I had never looked at her blog until after this and all I can say is..she is amazing. You have a great family, Liz. Our hearts and prayers our with them.
ReplyDeleteWe love them and all of your family dearly! Prayers are being said and will continue for the months to come.
ReplyDeleteI love what you have done for their rooms. I'm sure they will really appreciate it.
Ok, this is totally random. I'm not sure if you will even remember me or my friend Melissa... We came on a road trip once to Arizona, and you were working in a scrap book store for the summer. Being the homeless free loaders we were, you invited us to stay at your house!!
ReplyDeleteAfter we got to talking, you found out we were from Provo, and we made the connection with your brother being married to Stephanie. Also, we realized that my family was from blue water, and your Dad found some journal entries that included my grandpa...
ANYWAY, I wanted to let you know that I FOUND YOU!! Ever since Melissa and I met you, we were touched deeply by your amazing family, and the love you shared. I feel awful about the circumastances I was able to find you in now, but I'm so glad that I was able to track you down! I hope that we can keep in touch!!
Our prayers are with your family.
Becca Taylor (Pierce)