Two weeks ago I decided I wanted to take William to see Monsters University. I knew he would love going to the movies and I figured it would be a good to have some one-on-one time with him. I told him my idea and he was so excited. Then I had a brilliant idea! I told him that I was going to make a list of chores for him to do all week and if he did them all, we could go to the movie. I took a piece of paper and drew out some boxes that said "make bed, eat vegetables, pick up toys, be nice to Fritz, do homework" and told him that if he did each thing, and marked off every box, we could go to the movie. He totally did it! Every day he asked to make his bed, he was extra nice to Fritz (there were a few mess-ups but he did rectify it), picked up his toys and even asked for more broccoli at dinner. It was awesome! I've also been teaching him to read (using this book) and he's been really excited about it and has even pointed out some words he knows in other books and magazines. It was a win-win for everyone!
Saturday came and my mom watched Fritz so that David and I could both take him to the movie. He was so excited to have popcorn and his own root beer. He also loved sitting between the two of us and holding our hands when we walked. It was really sweet. He liked the movie well enough until the end when it got pretty scary and then he wanted to sit on my lap and said very loudly, "I want to go home now." I thought it was a really sweet movie - Pixar does it again!
You're genius. Bribery is the BEST!