May 11, 2012

fritz's first smile

The other day I was doing my makeup and the baby was in his cradle in my room dozing in and out of consciousness. William wandered in and walked up to the baby and I observed him in the mirror as he took one of his tiny stuffed doggies and gave it to Fritz and said, "Hi baby" over and over again in a sing-song voice. He brought him toy after toy and wiggled them in front of him and as he put his face close to Fritz's, I watched my baby smile his first smile at his brother. My heart! I loved see this act of love between brothers. So far William has shown nothing but love for his baby. I hope this continues forever!


  1. LOVE it! What a cute picture too! Brothers are the best!

  2. That is so precious! I do have a that what you use as a bassinet? I was looking into getting one (pregnant with my first) to use since our bedroom is so small, and it can fold up.

  3. That is precious! I love the bond between siblings. My son was the first to ever get his baby sister to laugh, and he continues to be the best at getting her to laugh. I love it!

  4. Oh my goodness. This is precious. The best moments are watching your children show love to each other like that. I can't think of anything better. They are both too darn cute for words Liz.

  5. That is just the cutest photo! I'm sure they'll be great friends as they grow up :) xx

  6. Awwww! What an adorable pic!


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