March 29, 2012

pregnant klutz

If you're my friend on Facebook or Instagram you probably saw this picture yesterday. It has been an intense 24 hours, let me tell you.
Yesterday morning I decided I needed to get out of the house. I was finally feeling so much better and since it had been almost a week since I left the house (except for doctor appointments) I thought there was no better thing to do than bring David lunch at work. So, we headed to our favorite sandwich place and saw that it was closed. Huge bummer. We walked over to the park where I let William play for a while before we drove to get something else for lunch. I was talking on the phone, following William around the park, (in a long maxi dress and sandals) when I came to the edge of a play area that dropped off into sand. I lost my footing and tried to catch myself but fell hard flat on my front, right onto my stomach. It knocked the wind out of me as I had fallen pretty hard.

Some other moms at the park ran over and watched William, called 9-1-1, talked to me (one even checked under my dress when I mentioned that I felt like I was bleeding or my water broke - lucky girl) and another called David. The ambulance came and I was terrified. I didn't feel the baby move for a long time and I started to feel contractions. By the time they got me to the hospital, they had put me in a neck brace and did all kinds of tests to check my neck and back. Totally precautionary and I thought it was ridiculous that they made me wear it for two hours (hence the picture). It looks like I have a black eye but it's just smeared make-up (mostly from crying about the baby).

They did an extensive ultrasound on the baby and he is totally fine. It doesn't seem to have hurt him at all. Once they told me that I was able to finally relax and feel the baby move.

They sent me to labor and delivery and my contractions started to get really strong. This hospital has volunteer doulas so I had these two amazing women who stayed with me almost the entire time I was there. I had been to the OB the day before and when she checked me I was dilated 2 cm. When I got to trauma I was dilated to 3 cm. By the time they checked me in labor and delivery, I was having pretty intense contractions and dilated to 3 1/2 cm. She doctor on call told me that it looked like I was in labor but I wasn't getting my hopes up yet. An hour later she checked me again and said I was dilated 4 cm and that my cervix was stretchy and the baby's head was moving into the birth canal - that I was truly in labor. I sent David home to get my hospital bag and to make arrangements for William.

For the next few hours or so I labored pretty hard with the awesome help of the doulas. Sometimes ten minute long contractions with no breaks in between. After a shift change a doctor checked me and said I was still dilated 4 cm. I almost cried. This happened with William (I labored over 12 hours with no progress) but because of the trauma and the fact that I was still having regular contractions (every 3 - 5 minutes) they kept me over night.

Basically, it was concluded that the fall put me into early labor and they sent me home to see what happens next. This was incredibly terrifying and thanks for all of you who offered up prayers in my behalf (and texted, e-mailed, called, watched William, brought me a hairbrush, etc.). I'm so grateful that the baby is OK. I'm technically over 38 weeks but I would much rather let this baby come when he's cooked and ready.

And that's the end of my dramatic tale.


  1. I'm so so sorry! How scary! I'm glad that the baby is okay and that you didn't hurt your neck badly. I hope all goes well and you feel at peace with your little one's arrival and timing.

  2. Oh, it must have been scary... I'm happy though that nothing major happened.

  3. So glad you're okay! I thought it was a black eye, too, so I'm glad you clarified -- we will continue to pray for you!

  4. I'm glad to hear that things are better than they looked in the photo. It would be a funny story (maybe) if it wasn't so horrific for you when you were going through it. Someday, when your son is 10 or so, then it may be kind of funny--memorable, at least.

  5. How terrifying Liz! I'm so sorry that happened and glad you're both okay. Darn those cute maxi dresses.:) (I am in love with the one below...where's your fav place to find them?)

  6. Thanks Tasha! It's from J. Crew a few years ago. :)

  7. When I saw the picture my heart totally skipped a beat and then my co-worker saw that I commented on your photo and my whole office was wondering if you were okay!

    I am so glad that you and the baby are okay!!

  8. Totally thought it was a black eye! Glad you and the baby are ok!!!!

  9. Oh my gosh, I thought it was a black eye too.

    I'm so glad everything seems to be okay. How terrifying! You have had quite the month, young lady.

  10. I am so sorry. It is hard enough being 38 weeks pregnant - add the sickness and fall on top of it and it starts becoming almost traumatic. I am so glad you and the baby are okay.

  11. I am so glad you are okay. Take care of yourself. Wishing you luck.

  12. Oh scary. I'm glad you and baby are both okay :)

  13. aaaaaah omg LIZ...I can't believe this?!?!?! Oh my gosh I am so sorry...this picture scared the crud out of me--I thought you had gotten in a car accident or something! At least you and the babe are alright?! Lay low and don't go out anymore! :-) j/k going out is a must but seriously if you need anything call me!

  14. I am so happy to hear all is well.

    I too fell when I was two weeks until due date with my son. Thankfully all was fine except for a bruise on my knee that lasted well over a year....btw he is very smart and has an awesome soul so no harm was done...Best of luck in your labor and delivery....oh another thing in the end it was a 4 hour labor instead of 26 like his sister!

  15. woah. so glad you and baby carmine are ok. that is his name, right?

  16. Oh. My. Gosh. That's really all I can say right now. You poor thing. Hang in there Liz! I'm so glad and relieved that you and baby are okay!

  17. oh Liz, I'm so sorry!! I'm so glad to hear that you and the baby are okay!


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