May 12, 2010

pick a peck of pepper pizza

David likes red pepper flakes on his pizza.

Just not this much.

He was pretty bummed when the whole bottle of it opened on top of his pepperoni mushroom Bronx pizza. This is such a classic "David face". He's cute.

Luckily, David got a couple of fresh slices for free (after some teasing from the workers) and we all got a good laugh. It reminded me of the classic movie Pure Luck when Martin Short accidentally dumps the open salt shaker on his eggs. Why has no one seen this movie? It is so great.

And here's a picture of William because he's just so darn cute. He was pretty concerned about how much everyone was laughing. Sometimes we wonder what he really thinks about us.


  1. William IS so darn cute. I love his big beautiful eyes. And I love Pure Luck. I've seen it many times.

  2. Did you dare him to take a bite out of it? That would have been so hot! I so would have dared him! William is so cute, I want to bite his cheeks!

  3. Stephen and I just watched Pure Luck a couple of months ago! Classic.

  4. Aw, what a beautiful baby! I love the ticking stripe outfit too.

    MMm, pizza.

  5. pure luck is one of my all time favs!!
    and i think cutie william looks like his mama in that picture!

  6. I have definitely seen Pure Luck, and I love it as well. Especially the bee sting scene, haha!

    I just love William's sweet chubby cheeks. He's so handsome!

  7. Oh my goodness, Pure Luck is one of my very, very favorite movies!! I've seen it at least 20 times and I STILL just about pee my pants laughing every time! :)

  8. Oooooh, I haven't had Bronx Pizza in AGES.


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