May 27, 2009

big changes

I love that david graduated from college two weeks ago (magna cum laude, I might add).I love these cute cupcakes I made for david's graduation party.
I love that our carne asada dinner turned out delicious.
I love that we are san diego residents (clarification: this lovely lighthouse is not our new home. I wish! alas, it is the point loma lighthouse.)
I love my life (and my big, fat, pregnant belly).


  1. that's so funny! i was just wondering what you were up to and that you hadn't blogged anything in a while. good to see you and your adorable tummy! :)

  2. Too cute! I love your belly it is adorable! Congratulations on all of the new changes!!!

  3. Oh, the cupcakes are adorable!

  4. are those the costco tortillas???? i love them if they are. they really do spruce up any burrito. and i love pregnant bellies. so cute:-)

  5. At first glance I thought that that lighthouse you and David are at was your new house, until I remembered that I was just there in Nov when my family was in San Diego on vacation. Haha.

  6. So much great things happening for you guys right now! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

  7. Oh yeah prego pics!!!! And absolutely love that they wear their construction hats for graduation!!!

  8. 1st and formost...I love your adorable pregnant belly!! You look great! Also everytime I see that picture of the plate of food from the party I want to pull the food out of my computer to eat it!! Yummy!! Congrats on all the new adventures in your life!! :)

  9. oh my gosh, is that your new house? how adorable! even if it isn't, congrats on the happy arc of your life.

  10. Is that your house!!??!!? I love California!

  11. it was me who thought the lighthouse was your new house! duh! now that you clarified i suddenly remembered my only trip to san diego. we were in the mission district (?) enjoying a beer at a micro brewery (i recall that it was Point Loma Lighthouse Light) when my luggage (everything: clothes, jewelry, camera lens) was stolen!

    insurance paid for a new wardrobe and jewelry and lens and i had a lovely time in san diego.

    what a wonderful place to land! congrats again.

  12. You look gorgeous! And those cupcakes are the cutest things ever!

  13. Congrats! The baby, graduation, new town, life is pretty amazing! You guys deserve it.

  14. Congrats on all your fun and exciting "goings-on"! You guys are still the cutest couple ever!


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